Congress and the Administration make policy decisions that directly affect breast cancer—from the availability and cost of health insurance and the process by which drugs and devices are approved, to Medicare coverage for metastatic breast cancer patients, and protection against genetic discrimination to environmental regulations and funding for breast cancer research.

The general principles and specific federal initiatives described in NBCC’s 2018 Public Policy Platform are set out below. Candidates and public officials will be held accountable for how they vote and govern with regard to this Platform.

RESEARCH: The Federal Government must:

  • Appropriate sufficient funds annually to support meaningful breast cancer research and develop policies that guarantee
    public transparency, oversight and accountability of that investment of funds.
  • Create new initiatives that encourage scientific creativity and innovative models of research that include educated consumers at every level.
  • Develop strategies to bring together representatives from a wide variety of disciplines, including advocates, to leverage existing resources by identifying the tools, technology and ideas resulting from this nation’s prior investments and apply them to ending breast cancer.
  • Appropriate $150 million for fiscal year 2019 and again in 2020 for the DOD peer reviewed Breast Cancer Research Program.

ACCESS:Health care is a basic human right. The federal government must adopt policies that guarantee that all individuals have access to patient centered, evidence based, high quality health care and that

  • Guarantee everyone coverage of appropriate care that is evidence based and affordable.
  • Provide the same comprehensive benefits to everyone that meet the public’s reasonable expectations.
  • Provide treatment and coverage decisions that are based on evidence and best practices.
  • Provide that all individuals must financially contribute to the system, based on ability to pay.
  • Support a health care system that is easy to use for patients and providers, and easy to administer.
  • Assure Medicaid coverage for treatment of low-income women screened and diagnosed with breast cancer in connection with federal programs.
  • Waive the waiting periods for Medicare and Social Security Disability Benefits for individuals with metastatic breast cancer.

INFLUENCE: The federal government must ensure that trained and educated advocates have a seat at all tables where breast cancer research, health care and policy decisions are made and implemented.

Patient advocates must meet the following criteria: have a patient-led, patient-centered organization with a patient constituency
to which they are responsible and accountable; have been personally affected by disease; and be knowledgeable, trained, prepared and confident in their ability to participate in the decision making process of science and medicine.

Download the Public Policy Platform Endorsement form for your Member’s signature.