Become a volunteer in END BREAST CANCER: VOTE! Spread the word. Work to get others to volunteer for #ENDBREASTCANCERVOTE

  • Go to meetings where candidates will appear. Ask them to support the platform.
  • Take a video of the candidate talking about the NBCC platform and stating what their positions are and email the video to info@stopbreastcancer.org.
  • Take a video of yourself and other advocates in support of END BREAST CANCER: VOTE! See samples here. Email your video to info@stopbreastcancer.org.
  • Join our voter registration/voter pledge drive.
  • Share updates on which candidates and other public officials have endorsed our Breast Cancer Policy Platform through social media and by emailing info@stopbreastcancer.org.
  • Share information about #ENDBREASTCANCERVOTE on social media.

Sample social media posts
#BreastCancer is a political issue. Policy is made by those we elect. Elections are determined by those who #vote. Join @Deadline2020 for #ENDBREASTCANCERVOTE